Congratulations Drs. Hess, Okun and Ramirez-Zamora on the publication of “Challenges in Defining Inappropriate Medication Use in Parkinson Disease Dementia,” in the October 1st issue of JAMA Neurology.
Parkinson disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. Cognitive impairment is a major nonmotor feature of Parkinson disease, and most patients with Parkinson disease will meet the criteria for dementia in the second decade after diagnosis.1 National prescribing trends for patients with Parkinson disease and dementia are not well studied in the United States, and available data often exclude geographic location, race/ethnicity, and sex. In this editorial, we review the findings of the study by Mantri et al1 regarding patterns of antidementia medication use, and we address the challenges in defining and studying inappropriate medication prescribing in Parkinson disease.
Use the link above to read the full article.