Congratulations to Drs. Joshua Wong and Michael Okun on the publication of “Connectomic imaging to predict and prevent cognitive decline after subthalamic DBS: next steps,” in the April issue of Brain.
This scientific commentary refers to ‘A brain network for deep brain stimulation induced cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease’ by Reich et al.
In well selected patients, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a highly effective and reliable treatment option for Parkinson’s disease. The bulk of experience with DBS has been obtained with the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as the stimulation region, though in many countries and centres the globus pallidus internus is also a preferred target. Before offering the procedure, many centres stratify the potential risks and benefits in each patient, with the aid of an interdisciplinary evaluation that usually includes a neuropsychological assessment. The increase in scientific and clinical knowledge in recent years has made it easier to define the anticipated benefit with respect to motor symptoms. This anticipated benefit has been based largely on the individual presentation and symptom profile.1