Headache is a common symptom in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (NeuroICU). Our goal is to provide an overview of approaches to headache management for common neurocritical care conditions. Headache disorders afflict nearly half of patients admitted to the NICU. Commonly encountered disorders featuring headache include cerebrovascular disease, trauma, and intracranial infection. Approaches to pain are highly variable, and multimodal pain regimens are commonly employed. The overall body of evidence supporting therapeutic strategies to manage headache in the critical care setting is slim, and pain control remains suboptimal in many cases with persistent reliance on opioids. Headache is a complex, frequently occurring phenomenon in the NeuroICU care setting. At present, literature on evidence-based practice for management of headache in the critical care setting remains scarce, and despite multimodal approaches, reliance on opioids is commonplace.