Congratulations to Dr. Irene Malaty on the publication of her “Response to letter to the editor regarding “Does the 5-2-1 criteria identify patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease? Real-world screening accuracy and burden of 5-2-1-positive patients in 7 countries,” which was published in the July 2024 issue of BMC Neurology.
The 5-2-1 criteria was developed to facilitate the identification and referral of patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) inadequately controlled by oral medications. The criterion was not developed to screen patients with PD for device-aided therapy eligibility. The robust design and validation of the 5-2-1 criteria minimizes over or inappropriate referrals, and supports physicians in the timely identification of patients with PD who may warrant further evaluation for treatment optimization. This response letter clarifies concerns raised by Moes et al.