Congratulations to Drs. Melissa Armstrong and David Vaillencourt on the publication of “Neuroimaging and Biofluid Biomarkers across Race and Ethnicity in Older Adults across the Spectrum of Cognition,” which appears in the September issue of Aging Research Reviews.
Neuroimaging and biofluid biomarkers provide a proxy of pathological changes for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and are useful in improving diagnosis and assessing disease progression. However, it is not clear how race/ethnicity and different prevalence of AD risks impact biomarker levels. In this narrative review, we survey studies focusing on comparing biomarker differences between non-Hispanic White American(s) (NHW), African American(s) (AA), Hispanic/Latino American(s) (HLA), and Asian American(s) with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. We found no strong evidence of racial and ethnic differences in imaging biomarkers after controlling for cognitive status and cardiovascular risks. For biofluid biomarkers, in AA, higher levels of plasma Aβ42/Aβ40, and lower levels of CSF total tau and p-tau 181, were observed after controlling for APOE status and comorbidities compared to NHW. Examining the impact of AD risks and comorbidities on biomarkers and their contributions to racial/ethnic differences in cognitive impairment are critical to interpreting biomarkers, understanding their generalizability, and eliminating racial/ethnic health disparities.