Prodromal RBD and the risk of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease

Congratulations to Drs. Alfonso Martinez-Nunez, Venkat Srikar Lavu, and Joshua Wong, on their poster “Prodromal RBD and the risk of cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease,” which was displayed in September at the Conference: International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society Congress 2024


To identify the impact of prodromal RBD in the incidence of cognitive impairment in patients with early PD. Background: The association between sleep disorders and cognitive impairment is well-established [1], as well as the specific connection between sleep disorders and neurodegenerative dementia [2]. Given the lack of efficacious interventions for cognitive impairment in PD, preventive strategies are crucial for reducing the cognitive burden in this high-risk population. In this study, we investigate the role of RBD as a predictor of cognitive impairment in PD.


We used data from the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI, study to examine PD patients who were enrolled within 2 years of motor symptom onset. We defined cognitive impairment as a transition from normal cognition to MCI or from MCI to dementia at any time point. We classified RBD status based on a cut-off score of five or higher on the RBD Screening Questionnaire answered at the time of the initial study visit. Then, we conducted a survival analysis and a log rank test stratified by baseline RBD to compare the rates of cognitive impairment. Following this, we fitted a logistic regression model with cognitive impairment as the outcome variable, selecting the optimal model by utilizing the Akaike information criterion (AIC). We checked for multicollinearity using a variance inflation factor (VIF) threshold of 10. We used the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) as our primary performance metric for our classification task.


The survival analysis included 1361 patients (see [Figure 1] for Kaplan-Meier curves). The log-rank test indicated a significant difference between the survival curves of the two groups (p<0.001). We evaluated 5150 regression models and selected the one with the minimum AIC. The best model estimated an odds ratio of 13.9 for RBD as a predictor of cognitive impairment (see [Table 1] for the model variables and coefficients). The VIF values for each variable were below five. Our model had an AUROC of 0.6.


Cognitive impairment is more prevalent among patients with prodromal RBD. This may be attributed to impaired sleep quality, affective disorders that often co-occur with RBD, or intrinsic biological factors. This finding underscores the need for early cognitive assessment and lifestyle interventions that mitigate cognitive decline in this population.