All Posts by

Leslie Merryman

UF Medicine awarded more than $372M to conduct research in FY24

Significant funding received to study dementia, bacterial infections, arthritis, and more At the College of Medicine, investigative teams have conducted crucial research across more than two dozen departments. Significant projects expenditures in the past year include: Over $5 million from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to fund research comparing…

Parkinsonism or catatonia: That’s the question

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Okun on the publication of his letter to the Editor “Parkinsonism or catatonia: That’s the question,” which appears in Annals of Movement Disorders. To read the letter click here!…

Sex-dependent effects of amyloidosis on functional network hub topology is associated with downregulated neuronal gene signatures in the APPswe/PSEN1dE9 double transgenic mouse

Congratulations to Dr. Karen McFarland on the publication of “Sex-dependent effects of amyloidosis on functional network hub topology is associated with downregulated neuronal gene signatures in the APPswe/PSEN1dE9 double transgenic mouse,” which appears in preprint in BioRxiv. Description Extracellular beta-amyloid (Aβ) is thought to cause impairments in brain-wide functional connectivity,…

Response to letter to the editor regarding “Does the 5-2-1 criteria identify patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease? Real-world screening accuracy and burden of 5-2-1-positive patients in 7 countries”

Congratulations to Dr. Irene Malaty on the publication of her “Response to letter to the editor regarding “Does the 5-2-1 criteria identify patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease? Real-world screening accuracy and burden of 5-2-1-positive patients in 7 countries,” which was published in the July 2024 issue of BMC Neurology. Abstract…

New video test for Parkinson’s uses AI to track how the disease is progressing

The rating scale most used to follow the course of Parkinson’s disease is the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. Guarin explained that, despite its reliability, the rating is restricted to a 5-point scale, which limits its ability to track subtle changes in progression and is prone to subjective…

Winner of UF Research Award!

The UF Division of Neurology is proud to announce that Drs. Babbajani-Feremi, Kalamangalam, and Winesett have been awarded UF Research Opportunity Seed Funds for their proposal “Next Generation Language Mapping for Epilepsy Surgery.” Their submissions showcased the spirit of multidisciplinary collaboration and highlighted the innovative research that enhance the College…

Walk to End Alzheimer’s!

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Gainesville is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2024, and we are rallying to support the more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s. This cause is close to many of our hearts, and it’s a crucial time to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care,…

Winner of UF Research Award

The UF Division of Neurology is proud to announce that Drs. Brenton Asken and Gregory Pontone have been awarded UF Research Opportunity Seed Funds for their proposal “Brain Injury and Memory Loss in Parkinson’s Disease.” Their submissions showcased the spirit of multidisciplinary collaboration and highlighted the innovative research that enhance…

Winner of UF Research Award

The UF Division of Neurology is proud to announce that Drs. Joshua Wong and Coralie de Hemptinne have been awarded UF Research Opportunity Seed Funds for their proposal “Characterizing the Neutral Mechanisms of Locomotor Adaptation in Parkinson’s Disease.” Their submissions showcased the spirit of multidisciplinary collaboration and highlighted the innovative…