All Posts by

Leslie Merryman

Heterogeneous treatment effects of sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on risk of dementia in people with type 2 diabetes: A population‐based cohort study

Congratulations to Drs. Michael Jaffee and Steven DeKosky on the publication of “Heterogeneous treatment effects of sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on risk of dementia in people with type 2 diabetes: A population‐based cohort study,” which appears in the July 2024 issue of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Abstract INTRODUCTION Sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2…

Characterizing Disease Progression in Parkinson’s Disease from Videos of the Finger Tapping Test

Congratulations to Drs. Joshua Wong, Nikolaus McFarland, and Adlofo Ramierz-Zamora on the publication of “Characterizing Disease Progression inParkinson’s Disease from Videos of the Finger Tapping Test,’ which appears in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING. Abstract— Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by motor symptoms whose progression…

Diagnostic Criteria for Primary Tic Disorders: Time for Reappraisal

Congratulations to Drs. Irene Malaty and Michael Okun on the publication of “Diagnostic Criteria for Primary Tic Disorders: Time for Reappraisal,” which appears in the June edition of Movement Disorders as a viewpoint article. The Relevance of the ProblemThe most widely applied diagnostic criteria for Tourette syndrome (TS) and…

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer’s; the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia; stages and risk factors; current research and treatments available for some symptoms; and Alzheimer’s Association resources. Program starts July 9th at noon ET/11 a.m. CT. To…

Seeing beyond the symptoms: biomarkers and brain regions linked to cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease

Congratulations Dr. Abbas Babajani-Feremi on the publication of “Seeing beyond the symptoms: biomarkers and brain regions linked to cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease,” which appears in the May 15th edition of Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Abstract Objective Early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis remains challenging, necessitating specific biomarkers for timely detection.