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News And Events

Neuromedicine Service and Science Hub Model

Congratulations to Drs. Okun, Ramirez-Zamora, and Foote on the publication of “Neuromedicine Service and Science Hub Model,” in the January 2, 2018 issue of JAMA Neurology. The US health care system is founded on a primary care gatekeeper model, in which patients are encouraged to select a primary care…

A widespread visually-sensitive functional network relates to symptoms in essential tremor

Congratulations to Drs. Okun, Wagle-Shukla and Vaillencourt on the publication of “A widespread visually-sensitive functional network relates to symptoms in essential tremor.”  This article was published in the December 22, 2017 issue of Brain; A Journal of Neurology.   Abstract Essential tremor is a neurological syndrome of heterogeneous pathology…

Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease Dementia A New Frontier?

Congratulations Drs. Deeb, Okun and Almedia on the publication of “Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease Dementia A New Frontier?”  This article was published in the December issue of JAMA Neurology. Parkinson disease dementia (PDD) is one of the nonmotor complications of Parkinson disease, characterized by impairment of visuospatial…

Evolving applications, technological challenges and future opportunities in neuromodulation: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank

Congratulations Drs. Rameriz-Zamora, Gunduz, Foote, Almedia, Hu, Deeb and Okun on the acceptance of “Evolving applications, technological challenges and future opportunities in neuromodulation: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank.”  This article will be published soon in Frontiers in Neuroscience.  Check here for an email reminder…

Alterations of emotional reactivity following right temporal lobectomy

Congratulations to Drs. Williamson and Heilman on the publication of “Alterations of emotional reactivity following right temporal lobectomy,” which was published in Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition.   ABSTRACT To learn if a right temporal lobectomy altered a patient’s autonomic and cognitive responses to aversive and appetitive pictures, we…

A Marked Point Process Framework for Extracellular Electrical Potentials

Congratulations Dr. Michael Okun on the publication of “A Marked Point Process Framework for Extracellular Electrical Potentials” which was published in the December issue of Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Neuromodulations are an important component of extracellular electrical potentials (EEP), such as the Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocorticogram (ECoG) and Local Field…

Ictal-Interictal Contiunuum

Congratulations to Dr. Giridhar Kalamangalam on the acceptance of “Ictal-Interictal Continuum” in the Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology.   Publication date to come soon. Summary The term “ictal–interictal” continuum has seen wide adoption in the critical care EEG domain, referring to the presence of abnormal periodic activity on the scalp EEG…