from the director
From the Directors
Welcome to your Neurology rotation! You will spend the next few weeks learning about one of the few organ systems that directly interfaces with basically every other organ and plays a role in countless physiologic processes. Your nervous system is essentially a mixture of molecules and electrochemical potentials that holds in it your ability to move, speak, feel, and see while also housing your memories, your preferences, your personality, etc.
Expectations and
We expect medical students to make themselves two things: teachable and indispensable. Be an excited learner; make it so that if you’re not there, the team feels the weight of your absence. We also expect you will have the ability to teach yourself and others, and to appreciate the special nature of patients with neurologic conditions.
goals &
Our goal is to help students to better understand the field and different facets of Neurology. Many goals are set for the learner and can be seen using the link below. The Department’s expectations for student performance are in line with the College of Medicine’s competency based curriculum. There are several objectives, both general and specific, that will help you develop and reinforce your procedural and analytical skills.
Important Program information
Academic Schedule
While rotating in Neurology, students will experience inpatient and outpatient services. The schedule with each student’s specific rotations will be provided the week before the start date of each rotation.
Educational Resources
“To study phenomena of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all.” – Sir William Osler
Grading Policy
The final grade is break down into three components: 1. Clinical Core Competencies, 2. Portfolio Compilation, and 3. Medical Knowledge Examination.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is required at all clerkship activities. In the fourth year clinical clerkships and electives, daily attendance is required for all aspects of the clinical rotations.
Training Sites
To provide all UF students with an excellent learning experience, we provide 4th year clerkship opportunities at both UFHealth Shands Hospital in Gainesville and UFHealth Shands Hospital Jacksonville. Inpatient and outpatient locations exist at both sites.
Clerkships for Visitors
Our team is dedicated to ensuring the visiting students have the best Neurology experience at UF, the Gator Nation! We are so excited to help you achieve your goals and help you improve your Neurology clinical and analytical skills.
Forms & Guidelines
Use the link below to access various forms needed for feedback and guidelines necessary for successful completion of your Clerkship.
Use the link below to get a listing of the key personnel in both the UFHealth Shands Gainesville and Jacksonville Locations. Contact information is provided.