Travel Reimbursement Request
Please complete the form below and submit electronically. Also remember to provide paper copies of all appropriate receipts and return it to this office WITHIN 5 DAYS AFTER TRAVEL so that your travel reimbursement voucher may be prepared. You may be reimbursed single occupancy hotel rate plus tax if applicable, $.445 per mile or airfare round trip coach, limo, parking and allowable meals at the rate of $6.00 breakfast, $11.00 lunch, and $19.00 dinner dependent upon times of travel or GSA rates based on city or per diem rate of $80.00 per day. Meals provided by the program will not be reimbursed. YOU MUST SUBMIT ORIGINAL RECEIPTS FOR PARKING, TAXI OR LIMO AND YOUR HOTEL BILL SHOWING A ZERO BALANCE FOR SINGLE OCCUPANCY RATE. Otherwise reimbursement will be delayed or limited.