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Changes in Midline Tremor and Gait Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Essential Tremor

Congratulations Drs. Masa-aki Higuchi, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Kelly D. Foote, Michael S. Okun & Chris J. Hass, on the publication of  “Changes in Midline Tremor and Gait Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Essential Tremor.”  This article was published in the latest issue of Tremor & Other Hyperkinet Movement Disorders. Abstract Background:…

Spanish Cross‐Cultural adaptation of the gait assessment and intervention tool

Congratulations to Dr. Janis Daly on the publication of “Spanish Cross‐Cultural adaptation of the gait assessment and intervention tool,” in the January edition of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R).   Abstract Background The Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool has been shown to be a comprehensive and objectively scored tool to…