Rated by the American Heart Association
Gold Plus Rated for Stroke
about our division
University of Florida
Comprehensive Stroke Center
The UF Health Shands Comprehensive Stroke Center is certified by The Joint Commission and the American Stroke Association/American Heart Association. Comprehensive stroke center certification recognizes hospitals that have state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced staff and extensive training to receive and treat people with simple and complex strokes.
University of Florida
Neuromedicine Hospital
Our welcoming design matches our accessibility to highly specialized, comprehensive services. Our outstanding faculty physicians and clinical experts work in concert within a world-class medical facility to meet the unique needs of our patients. This makes UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital a one-stop shop for outpatient and inpatient treatment services.
Why us?
Comprehensive vs. Primary Stroke Centers
The Brain Attack Coalition established the concept of primary stroke centers and comprehensive stroke centers in 2000. Hospitals that demonstrate a high quality of care and good results for their stroke patients can become primary stroke centers.However, achieving a comprehensive stroke center designation requires the ability to provide more …
More about
Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Few conditions occur as rapidly and with as devastating consequences as stroke. Data from the American Stroke Association indicate that nearly 800,000 people in the United States suffer a stroke each year. Of these, about 600,000 are first attacks and 200,000 are recurrent. Further, the annual cost to our health care system is in excess of 70 billion dollars.
our faculty & Staff
For Patients
What you should know
Once someone has been admitted to UF Health Shands Hospital with a stroke, he or she receives state-of-the-art care as quickly as possible
follow up information
After someone has been discharged from the UF Health Shands Comprehensive Stroke Center, he or she will have follow-up appointments with a vascular neurologists for approximately one year.
Diagnostic tests include any procedure performed to confirm or determine the presence of disease after the report of symptoms, or based on other medical test results.
Other valuable
These resources include links to both UF and external associations to educate patients and their families about various aspects of stroke and stroke care.
From our surgical team
Stroke Information and Treatment
Use the link below to download some important stroke reference guides and gather even more information on surgical intervention.
For physicians
Hospital Transfer Guidelines
he information included is intended for physicians to use as guidelines for treating and, if necessary, transferring stroke patients to UF Health Shands Hospital.
Stroke Management Guidelines
The information below is intended for physicians to use as guidelines for treating and, if necessary, transferring stroke patients to UF Health Shands Hospital.
Stroke Scales
Acute, functional and outcomes available as PDF for downloading to use as reference guides for physicians.
UF Health Stroke Outcomes
National benchmarks based on data from the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm trial and the International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms.
Stroke research
our fellowship
Vascular Neurology Fellowship
This is a one-year clinical training program designed to provide innovative stroke education in a competitive academic setting. Fellows receive intensive, focused training in all aspects of ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, including acute and longitudinal stroke management, stroke prevention, stroke rehabilitation, neurosonography, neurovascular critical care, multimodality stroke imaging, and interventional neuroradiology.