Current Fellows

Anastasia L Barnes

Anastasia L Barnes MD

The Blumenthal Family Fellow, Jr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Parisha Bhatia

Parisha Bhatia MBBS, MD

Neurocritical Care Fellow, 1st Year
Rachael Burke

Rachael Burke MD

Sr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Amanda Currie

Amanda Currie MD

Rembert Family Foundation Sr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Jessica Darusz

Jessica Darusz MD, MSc

Headache Fellow
Jule Deren

Jule Deren DO

The Robert And Ellen Yates Neurotrauma Fellow
Freddy Escobar

Freddy Escobar MD

Multiple Sclerosis Fellow
Lorena Figueredo Rivas

Lorena Figueredo Rivas MD

Clinical Neurophysiology Fellow
Jonathan Garcia Ramiu

Jonathan Garcia Ramiu MD

Neurocritical Care Fellow, 1st Year
Patricia Graese

Patricia Graese MD

Jr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Edna M Johnson

Edna M Johnson MD

Vascular Neurology Fellow
Morgan Jordan

Morgan Jordan DO

Neuro-Muscular Fellow
Mustafa T Kendirli

Mustafa T Kendirli MD

ICU-EEG Fellow
Vlad Korenblit

Vlad Korenblit DO

Vascular Neurology Fellow
Alfonso Martinez Nunez

Alfonso Martinez Nunez MD

Sr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Tejas Mehta

Tejas Mehta MD

The Robert L. Anderson Fellow, Jr. Movement Disorders Fellow
Ali Mustafa

Ali Mustafa DO

Neurocritical Care Fellow, 2nd Year
Joel Page

Joel Page MD

Sam Berman Charitable Foundation Behavioral Neurology Fellow
Roysten Rodrigues

Roysten Rodrigues MBBS, MD

Neurocritical Care Fellow, 1st Year
Hayley Shade

Hayley Shade MD

The Robert and Ellen yates Neurotrauma Fellow
Lizmarie Tirado-Castro

Lizmarie Tirado-Castro MD

Vascular Neurology Fellow
Joshua Wais

Joshua Wais MD, MS

Neurocritical Care Fellow, 2nd Year
John Whalen

John Whalen DO

Epilepsy Fellow