Congratulations to Drs. Seth F Oliveria, Ramon L Rodriguez, Dawn Bowers, Justin D Hilliard, Erin H Monar, Bonnie M Scott, Michael S Okun, Kelly D Foote, on the publication of “Safety and efficacy of dual-lead thalamic deep brain stimulation for patients with treatment-refractory multiple sclerosis tremor: a single-centre, randomised, single-blind, pilot trial,” in the June edition of The Lancet, Neurology.
Efficacy in previous studies of surgical treatments of refractory multiple sclerosis tremor using lesioning or deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been variable. The aim of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of dual-lead thalamic DBS (one targeting the ventralis intermedius–ventralis oralis posterior nucleus border [the VIM lead] and one targeting the ventralis oralis anterior–ventralis oralis posterior border [the VO lead]) for the treatment of multiple sclerosis tremor.