The 18th Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium/Workshop/Public Educational Forum presented by the Wien Center on Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders at Mount Sinai Medical Center and the 1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center will be held January 18-19, 2020 in Miami, FL at the Kovens Conference Center at Florida International University.
The Symposium titled Application of NIA-AA Research Framework will feature three sessions on:
Application of NIA-AA Research Framework in the Real World
Application of Technology for Early Diagnosis and Assessment of MCI
Synucleinopathies and MCI- Biology, Diagnosis, Progression and Treatment
The Workshop will focus on MCI and Dementia: From Epidemiology to Pathology;
The Alzheimer’s Public Educational Forum, intended for at-risk family members, caregivers, the community-at-large and professionals, will address Mild Cognitive Impairment: How We Detect It, What Causes it, How We Can Prevent It.
Our own UF Neurology Speakers include:
Melissa Armstrong, MD
Steven DeKosky, MD
Nikolaus McFarland, MD, PhD
For more information, please visit the website: